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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter sees your problem. The post you are quoting of shooter's is from a completely different thread, isn't it? From the 2020 democrat thread in fact.
    The post you made to start this thread is this:

    "This has been going on for sometime now until I finally challenged @shootersa to debate it using standard debate rules which of course he will never do because among other things he would have to back up what he says with credible sources and actually answer questions And shootersa and most all on the right for that matter will never honestly answer simple straightforward questions because then their lies, false propaganda, and psychological projection is exposed. But this has been going on long enough I feel it is incumbent on me to expose the scam.​

    As probably everyone knows I use RAW STORY for a source quite often. The sire is definitely left leaning. In fact I have sometimes referred to it as "liberal porn. But RAW STORY actually has a high credibility rating for fractal reporting.​

    And while certainly treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans hate RAW STORY the challenge I have presented them is to prove something RAW STORY has published wrong or false. Let me emphasis that again WRONG OR FALSE."

    This is your post and your challenge isn't it american hater?
    You can answer this simple question can't you?

    Without insults or personal attacks?
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    I am not going to waste my time on this.

    Yes it is actually central to this discussion because that is YOUR challenge to me that I accepted before this thread was even created and said so.

    No. I posted this thread to address this challenge.

    And prove this statement false.

    Which I made clear in the OP.

    No it is not.

    If what you are saying is true @shootersa then you can post examples of me personally attacking you right here. And if you don't then you are lying about that too aren't you? Proving again lying is part of your method of operation as I have been documenting.

    I do not even know that this one is but shootersa had a post above this response. Let's see if anyone else can see it?

  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Yeah I can't put up with my own formatting errors so I am going to have to re-post some of the above post.

    I posted the entire exchange from that thread to prove you presented me with this challenge and I accepted it.

    And to prove this statement false.

    Allow me to highlight the first part you keep skipping over where I accepted your challenge.

    Now that part has been proven over and over and over again and is being proven again right now with your ducking and dodging and refusing to answer simple straightforward questions.

    But I have also said multiple times now if you want to claim in doing that I presented you with a secondary challenge to prove anything in a RAW STORY article wrong of false that's fine. In fact I have engaged with you and several attempts where you failed utterly and miserably. And I stand by that assessment.

    But hey if you disagree and want to claim you actually have proven something in a RAW STORY article wrong or false that's fine too. In fact you can just announce you've won anytime you want to and walk away the champion if you want to.

    That will have no effect whatsoever on me completing the challenge you presented me. Hell I am only have way done.

    And speaking of done I think I am also done with my first question. You were never going to answer it in the first place so I will move on to my next question which you won't answer either.

    (There I do feel better now.)
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well isn't this a hoot.
    Shooter posted YOUR POST, YOUR OP POST that started this circus.

    You detailed what the challenge was.
    to prove a wrong story copy N paste was false or wrong.

    You set that challenge.

    No mention of the post trail anywhere else, just your rant about wrong story and then your challenge.

    And now you deny the facts and keep diverting with your page long multitude.

    Very tiresome.

    Shooter would ask you to specifically, in detail, state the challenge here. But he couldn't count on you to leave it. Chances are you'd change it again if it suited you to do that.

    Because you can't be trusted and you have no honor.
  5. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter was going to reply to American haters demand for examples of the personal attacks you've been throwing at shooter.

    This one popped right out
    "Now that part has been proven over and over and over again and is being proven again right now with your ducking and dodging and refusing to answer simple straightforward questions.
    And this one:
    "And if you don't then you are lying about that too aren't you? Proving again lying is part of your method of operation as I have been documenting.
    But then shooter realized you're just diverting and trolling again.

    You know full well the personal attacks you've been throwing out, you know very well all your lies and denials are just your way of avoiding admitting how wrong you and wrong story are.

    So shooter is moving on.

    Next question.
    Or do you want to ignore one of mine?
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    The fact you presented me with this challenge first...

    So here is my question.

    @shootersa given you said

    See, american hater, when shooter does bother to check the accuracy of your copy N paste jobs, he calls it "the rest of the story".
    So a quick search shows 188 hits when shooter looks for his posts that have "the rest of the story".
    So each of these hits is a post where Shooter exposed your lies, half truths, and outright propaganda. Where, you know, he exposed wrong story and their false stories.

    Now then, Liar, you put up or better yet, just shut up.

    as well as the other things highlighted in the exchange do you agree you challenged me?

    is documented and proven right here..


    I said in advance you would never honestly answer by question and I am not going t go in nonsense circles with you trying to deny the obvious.

    So I am done discussing my first question with you.
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    That is not a personal attack. That is a factual observation. That is what you were actually doing.

    Again that is not a personal attack. I have been documenting and proving lying is part of your method of operation all through this thread including posts dealing directly with your lying to prove it.

    The mere two examples you gave are not personal attacks. These are personal attacks.

    I only had to go back a couple pages to find these personal attacks. But shootersa's name calling and personal attacks can be found on nearly every page of this thread. Because as I have been saying and documenting, like lying, name calling and personal attacks are part of shootersa's method of operation. Which he especially employs when he is cornered and losing a debate.
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter is done trying to follow your page long posts that hop about from topic to topic like a flea on a dog. If one of your posts is longer than a couple of paragraphs or addresses more than one topic shooter will neither read or respond. It will be ignored and will have no relevance to the discussion.

    Second, for you to arrogantly claim That your personal attacks are "documented facts" is disgusting and will no longer be tolerated. Insults will be ignored and not responded to and will have no impact on the outcome of our discussion.

    Any more questions?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    You just do whatever you want @shootersa. I am not keeping you here or forcing you to debate anything. You can just announce you won the debate and are the champion as far as I am concerned. It will have no effect at all on me accepting your challenge and proving you are the liar and not me. And your "the rest of the story" is nothing but a phony lying scam.

    There is nothing arrogant or personally attacking you about proving you lie as a method of your operation and constantly name call and personally attack. That is simply part of my mission on this thread to document and prove those are facts. Which I have done and will continue to do.

    Whatever you say. You do whatever you want.

    Yes. You never answered my first question. But I will go ahead and ask another question you won't answer either

    Given all the proof provided in this post .....


    ..... do your admit these two statements are totally false and I have never said or even implied any such things.

    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  10. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You told us all about headlines. Shooter repeated the essence of what you said, so no, those statements are not false and you are a liar.

    Shooters turn.

    You and silly spent months attacking Nikki Haley, constantly making reference to her heritage. At no point did you discuss he qualifications for president.

    When Trump took note of her rising popularity he misspelled her name, made passing reference to her heritage, and attacked her qualifications for president.

    You called trump a racist or his posts about Nikki haley.

    Shooter is saying you and silly are racists, not trump.

    If you can, defend your attacks on Haleys heritage rather than her qualifications. If you can't, or won't, shooter submits your racism will be a proven fact. And no, you have not defended your racist attack on Haley. You defended silty's remarks with a completely nonsensical excuse but did not defend yours.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Well one of is obviously a liar here shootersa so let's determine who it is.

    Show us where I ever said anything close to .....


    And if you can't then the obvious liar is you isn't it. I supplied the proof of me saying the opposite so you need to show us the proof I have ever said anything like that or admit you are the lair. And you don't have to admit it but you will prove you are the liar that falsely accused me.

    No absolutely not. You called me a liar and now you either need to prove it or prove the liar is you. And I am not moving on until you do. I have answered every question you have asked. And now you need to answer mine.
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Okey doke! These are YOUR posts where you tell us the point of the headline is to grab attention, and honesty and accuracy are not a priority.
    So. We see that american hater is the liar, as proven with his own words and posts.
    Moving on.
    Note; Shooters prediction is that american hater will; a) claim his own posts don't prove the point but he won't explain that b) we're going to be treated to a full page of .............. bullshit to obfuscate the debate c) personal attacks d) a refusal to acknowledge any of this.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    No we see no such thing as me being the liar here @shootersa and I really appreciate you giving me the chance to prove beyond reasonable doubt you are in fact and in deed the liar and I have never said or implied

    And I know that because I used to write headlines for a living.

    I will have to take this a few at a time. And in many cases the context will be important.

    @shootersa is already caught LYING in his first example. Nowhere in that post to I even mention headline writing let alone say ...

    Let's count shootersa's lies on this one.

    *One thee highlighted statement does not even mention headline writing.

    **That statement does not say

    ***That statement does not say anything about writing headlines

    So shootersa tells three LIES in just this one example.
  15. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Quoting a post of mine from 15 years ago!

    And still misses the point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    This one can't be more easy and obvious @shootersa LIE. I have no idea why I re-wrote the headline because the link just goes to RealClear Politics congressional approval rating updated to this year.

    But obviously I am not saying ...

    The context is important here. Especially since its really REALLY funny.

    This is a comment from shootersa I am replying to.

    Oh fuck that is just so hilarious. Not only am I not saying ...

    The phony non factual headline I am referring to is shootersa's And I am pointing out why its wrong.

    Now the states want us to bail out their pension funds. With our retirement

    How's tat for just a laughable LIE.?

    That one is just so fucking funny I will let it stand in this post.
  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Ok before we look at this one its very revealing and actually funny to review this whole post and the chronology. Which I will only include parts of


    Now here is the problem. shootersa is misreading the headline trying to claim it says Trump is the one who is going to have these supporters bused in. When both the headline and the story says its the Polish government that is going to bus in a friendly crowd for Trump

    Again let's take time to point out shootersa's LIE. I am in no way saying ...

    But also notice how shootersa leaves that last part out. The story explains the headline and proves shootersa is misreading it.

    Now before I move on to the rest of it we need to look at what shootersa posted in a comment before I wrote that.

    When I said the purpose of a headline is to get people to read the story I actually took these four rules for granted and assumed they would be understood. But notice how kindly shootersa posts them for us

    But I am most certainly not saying ...

    And now let's look at the headline and story I wrote just for shootersa.

    Obviously in referring to the four criteria in several places in that story I am saying the opposite of ...

    ...which makes it another obvious and blatant LIE.